Saturday, December 22, 2012

Seven Fish Dishes Dessert: Snowball Sundaes

The seven fish dishes are done, and your guests should be lolling about with satisfied smiles and full bellies. (True to form, my girlies would be out in the kitchen, finishing up any leftover Angels on Horseback. They love those little guys.)

Time for a light dessert -- something that's festive, but not heavy. Snowball sundaes fit the bill; when the girls were little, we'd have these the first day it snowed in the season.


vanilla or chocolate chip ice cream
chopped pecans
creme de menthe liqueur
whipped cream (the spray stuff is easiest)
one maraschino cherry for each sundae

Use your prettiest clear bowls or parfait glasses for this bright-colored sundae. Scoop out ice cream, roll the scoops in coconut. (This can be done ahead of time, if you've got room to store the cookie sheet full of ice cream 'snowballs.') sprinkle with chopped pecans and drizzle creme de menthe over, then finish with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Serve with a platter of your nicest Christmas cookies, and an fresh box of chocolates or chocolate-covered nuts. Plus a bowl of fish candy, if you're feeling silly!

Add hot coffee or tea (we'll have espresso), and settle in for an hour of conversation as the candles burn low. It's a lovely way to celebrate Christmas Eve.

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